Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ceremonial Lap and the end of Running

The run was sponsored by Monumental Gallery
My official lap photographs aren't in yet but here are some unofficial ones you can check out until the others are up.
general group shot. 
action shot of Matt and Daniel getting water from water stop
Mary, awesomely, handing out water
 Wow, today was an interesting day with a ton of different little, medium, and long distances to travel. 
There was the ceremonial last lap which turned out a little silly but basically good. 
I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the run wether  it was by actually running it or by volunteering your time to help things go smoothly. It is greatly appreciated. 
So, while the ceremonial last lap was an event it wasn't my last official run of the day since it seemed important to close out the whole day and make this month of running complete. 
I'm looking forward to going to get donuts tomorrow in a car. It's going to be excellent. 
Today was my highest milage day as well as being the final day. Milage came out to about 15.75 miles. My total milage for this project ended up being about 182.45 miles. Here's my map for today. 

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tomorrow Ceremonial Lap. Be there or be square.

Hello readers! Today is the day before my last day of the project. That's pretty exciting. Soon my life can go back to normal. It will be great! Well today involved a lot of really short runs all over the place because I'm trying to get things in order for the ceremonial last lap. But still my milage didn't get too very high. Today I ran about 6.07 miles. Here's a map 
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Ceremonial Last run! Join me!

Today I'm getting this post in a little late. Sorry to all of you really faithful checkers. I decided to hang around the art building after dinner to digest and I ended up staying for hours. 

I'd like to invite any of you followers to run with me on my Ceremonial Final Lap. It will be on February 11th starting at 3:30pm. The location of the start is 1000 W. Broad St- outside of the fine arts building. I think that's all the details you need really. If you come dress in your most awesome running outfit. Don't forget it's going to be in the high 70s on Wednesday. 

Milage for today came to around 4.43 miles and my map is right here.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

VERY exciting.

Well, today not too eventful. I hate my apartment because I never go anywhere else and the toaster oven caught on fire today. It was terrifying. But I mostly hate it because I never go anywhere- lame.  Anyways I didn't do too much exciting stuff today just ran to Tyler's and visited for a while then ran back home. I know, my life is fascinating. My milage for today was about 3.82 miles and my map is boring- here you go.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

OK, almost there

WOW! it was warm today. I didn't really have to go out until later in the day as the sun was setting and it was still 69 degrees. The heat seems to be draining all of my energy though because it's hardly past 11 and I've been tired for the last hour. Not much went down today but the few places that I did go to where pretty nice. I went to one friend's closing reception and another friend's classy party. Oh! and I cut my bangs. Can you tell in the video? That's pretty much it milage for today got up to about 3.9 miles. Here's my map
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Friday, February 6, 2009

nothing much

Today I didn't really do any traveling except going to 711 for some heavy but necessary groceries (milk and tomato sauce). On Sunday I get to make pancakes! So total milage for today was .49 of a mile and here's the map
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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not so tired today. Just cold.

Hello everyone on the home front.  If you didn't notice today was pretty chilly. But overall it was good. 
I've pretty much perfected the art of talking on my cell phone while running. It's a little hard because my earring always bump into my phone making an annoying noise but other than that I've got it down. Skills I can really use later on in life. Life skills.
Anyways, I've planning on doing a ceremonial couple of final blocks with a group of followers. Everyone is invited. It will be on Wednesday  (Feb. 11th) sometime after 3 and before 5. Hopefully it will be complete with a finish line ribbon and a water stop for the crowd and people taking pictures at the end. Let me know if you are interested because I would be happy to have you. Perhaps there will even be a local gallery sponsoring it. 
Well thanks for reading today's milage ended up around 5.8 miles and here's the map  

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rushed & missing doing things the normal way

If you watch the video for today, you will notice that it's incredibly rushed and I look really tired. Well folks, that's because this morning I woke up all of 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave to go visit the doctor and I was really tired. 10 minutes!! My alarm didn't go off or I slept right on through it. Whatever happened it was rushed.
After that my day was OK. Although I noticed (really really noticed) today that I am missing out on a lot of physical contact with other people and I'm craving it. I guess since I rarely get to hang out with anyone except when I'm in class I never get very good interactions with them.  That got a little attention today when I got to hang out a little after class with many of my studio buddies but really not enough. This project is creating a people void in my life. I need to interact with at least certain people. Not least of all is my boyfriend who it seems I never get to really hang out with since I'm always leaving so I won't be running in the cold, running in the extra dark, or so I'm not late to something which I could usually bike to in about half the time it takes me to run there. 
Here's a list of 10 things I'm ready to do once this project ends
 1. wear normal cloths 2. be able to hang out with people after dark 3. be energetic enough to go to fun events 4. not be the stinky, damp person in class. 5. be able to walk with people 6. hang out with Tyler. 7. Be at the studio after dark 8. make things 9. Get large quantities of groceries-especially produce. 10. get somewhere really fast on my bike.
All of this stuff seems small but actually makes a notable difference in my life. Well besides that good stuff, I missed my Wednesday night fun run which is a bummer but I still got in some decent milage for today. Total distance came to about 10.15 miles. Here's a map. 

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So, everyone in all of my classes knows about this project. It's a  bit of a testament to my big mouth but it's also a little bit embarressing. They're all waiting for it to be over. In my Paradox of truth and reason class one kid asked me straight out why I wasn't done since it was February. I'm encouraged that people are taking an interest but I too am ready for the end to come. Plus I miss hanging out in the studio 'till all hours with fellow art students (Whitney) Todays runs added up to about 4.77 miles and here's a map
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Nice-cold all in under 12 hours

My weather widget says that it's 56 degrees and sunny outside, It's wrong! While it may have been that warm at many points throughout the day it is not that warm right now. I should know. I just ran home in it. I had to wait until an hour after I'd eaten my Shafer meal so that I wouldn't actually want to puke like I wanted to last time that I ran home after eating Shafer. 
The delay was worth it as far as stomach feelings go but it got really cold after the sun went down and just kept getting colder while I watched "no bias, no bull" on CNN waiting for the time when I could return to my beloved and apartment. 
Complaint time!! I'm tired of not making anything. Most of you are probably thinking, "tired of not making anything? She never makes anything..." which may be true but I want the option of making something.  By the way, any ideas on how to make this a viewable/experienceable object/thing would be appreciated. 
Would any of you faithful followers be interested in doing a ceremonial end of run run (like 2 blocks or something) as a performance/experience aspect? Just a thought. I'm trying to get some feedback. Feel free to comment :D.
Today I took my first ever spinning class. For those of you who don't know but want to laugh at me-spinning is like aerobics on a stationary bike. Complete with 80's music. My milage for the day was pretty low about 4.51 miles but the spinning class briefly made me question weather I would be able to run home. Obviously, since  I'm at home making this, everything worked out AOK. Here's the map for today. Minty green

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Picture of the Groceries

 Here's a tiny picture of the groceries I got today. I couldn't seem to get a bigger one up today. Just take note of the Donuts. I skillfully got those back home in tact. :D. 

Superbowl & Grocery Shopping

So, I didn't watch the Superbowl today (I'm planning on watching all the adds later on the internet). But I did go grocery shopping.
It was a nice warm day and grocery shopping would have been great if not for me stinking to high hell and the grocery store being full of last minute snack shoppers. I couldn't even bring myself to wear the fanny pack home. 
So, now I have none of the usual fruit that goes in there on the way home. There were just too many people and I bowed under the imaginary social constraint. You know, the one where it's unacceptable to wear a fanny pack. On the upside of things I didn't have the uncomfortable fanny packed run home. Some things worked out for the better. Anyways, here's my map for the day. Total milage is around 3.46 miles

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

 Today I went nowhere and did little but homework and TV on the computer. I ran 0 miles. and here's my map. Very exciting.  
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So this probably only matters to me. But I feel really bad that I didn't post yesterday. Sorry to anyone wbo noticed.  But, If it makes you feel any better, I didn't really do much yesterday. I ran a total of 1.19 miles over the entire day and here's the map 
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Oh, Also, Take note of the new format. Very nice. I hope it encourages some new Followers :D.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

 Today I got cheered at on my way home from  Tyler's- Thanks Mike. Also nothing else exciting really happened to me.  6.05 miles today. Here's the map
View Larger Map weight today is 132lbs. Didn't get that in the video

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bus to VMFA

OK so here's a video of me running along beside the bus as it got started. This was shot by members of my Big studio class as they rode the GRTC to the local art museum. Shortly after this was shot the bus turned onto Broad St. and lost me in about 3 seconds. That video is really hard to see though. However, I was told shortly after I got there that I was only about 4 minutes behind them which makes me think, "Hey, maybe it's not so bad to run everywhere".

Bigger and Bigger

I'm going corporate!! Google is paying me to advertise on this page and I thought that added an interesting element to this otherwise profitless project. So don't be alarmed by the adds just take note of how big this is all becoming.
I've got a food video involving a great and unintended moment of  futility but it won't upload right now so I'll get it to you later.
It's still killing me not to be able to walk beside anyone and talk with them. That's my number 1 complaint about this project. However, since I was ahead of my class to wait for the bus at the bus stop-even though I wasn't going to be taking the bus-I found a $5 bill!!! Good times :D. I think that's all I've got to say for today. I ran about 11.54 miles today and here's the map. Click on View Larger Map for more details.

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running in the rain makes me have to pee

Don't worry folks, there's more to come today. I just wanted to get this video up right now instead of later when I'm working on a lot of other things. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

no nausea/no Shafer today was golden

 Oh today, today was a day of many pleasures :D. It rained/hailed this morning. I thought my face was going to freeze off when I was running to class and I felt rather chilly in my first two classes while things dried off. I ran to a resume building workshop-needless to say I looked incredibly professional in my sporty attire. I visited the doctor and all seems well but the wait was long.
But seriously, a lot of good things did happen today. Tuesday might be my favorite day of classes, I got to hang out with Tyler a little bit. That's becoming increasingly difficult because I'm usually too tired to go over there and hang out with him.  The resume writing workshop may have proved helpful. Now maybe someone will hire me :D. I recruited some people to read my blog-maybe. 
That's a good lead in to an important point. If you're reading this blog you should become an official follower by clicking on 'follow this blog'. Show some support, please :D. 
Some influence the running has had over my life is That I still can't walk anywhere with anyone- it just feels lamer and lamer-that's when a lot of the good conversing goes down-AND I have no weekend social life because I don't want to run anywhere! Hopefully this will change on the up and coming weekend. 
Today I ran about 5.87 miles and here's the map. 

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The video finally uploaded!!  

Monday, January 26, 2009


Right now I feel incredibly sick. The last run was definitely the last run of my day. I don't ever want to go to shafer- the dining hall- and then run home within half an hour EVER AGAIN. Worst decision of the month! Would someone please explain why my breath smells like garlic?? I didn't eat anything garlicky. Ew...
Today, much of my travel was in vain. I went to the doctors office but didn't get an appointment. Plus, I went to the gym but yoga class filled up before I got there. I did get to talk to people about this project though and worked on recruiting new followers. Support, people! Alright, well today I ran about 5.02 miles and here's the map. I'll add the video later.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sorry about the extreme close-up nature of the last two videos I just forgot to zoom back out after I showed you my sweet slippers tonight and yesterday was just a fluke. I'd like to congratulate and welcome everyone who recently started following the blog. Today I ran about 190.71 feet that's .036 of a mile! You've just joined something big, very big.
View Larger Map I'm not sure why the map is so zoomed out. Maybe because I didn't really go anywhere. If you want to see where I didn't go then feel free to zoom in and look :D.
video from yesterday

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 13

My video isn't uploading for some reason. Here are the basics: it is Jan. 24th and the 13th day of the running project, weather was cloudy, temperature when I went out was about 48 degrees (I think) weight was 127 lbs.  time was around 11:30.  
Today was a very light day of running I just went to the Patterson Express and bought some necessary items.  I ran about .41 of a mile today. Here's my map 
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Friday, January 23, 2009

yeahya groceries!

Today was a great day for running as it reached a high of 63 degrees! 
Check out how in the video I'm not wearing tights or a ear-warmer/headband thinger. 
Today was an errands kinda day. I got groceries- The bagging lady looked at me like I was crazy when I told her I didn't need a plastic bag because I'd carry the stuff on my run home. The cashier was really supportive though she kept giving me suggestions on how to pack up my groceries into my bag & fanny pack. 
The Fanny Pack is great for transporting those little rolls and small fruits and such but It is probably one of the most annoying things to wear when running because it bounces up and down like a fatty paunch and it pushes my shirt further and further up making me look ridiculous. Next time I go grocery shopping I'll try and get you all some video of the lovely event. 
Did you notice those kinda gross fake eggs in the picture? I want to make some of these awesome pancakes for which I have a mix but I can't transport real eggs. Hopefully they turn out OK with this stuff. Also you can't really tell but those pears are tiny! I've never seen such tiny pears before-just wanted to point that out. Now I'm just rambling so anyways let me get to the map for today. 

View Larger Map total milage for today (if I don't go anywhere else) came in at about 3.82

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today running hurt a little bit more than usual. I'm increasingly thankful at the weekend drawing near because I'll have very few obligations and therefore some rest time. Also, I saw the impact of this project on my motivation to go anywhere-even somewhere within blocks. I blame this on running out to the near west end yesterday (on accident). But, there is cause for celebration! tomorrow is going to be really warm!! Can we say groceries?! That is super exciting right now because, while today was nice, tomorrow will be even nicer. :D.  Well, here's the map for the day today's mileage came in at about 4.24miles.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10th day on the run!

So today is the 10th day of the project as the title and the video suggest. Speaking of the video everyone should take note of the new video format instead of the standard starting on the feet version. Feel free to compliment me in the comments box. 
It was a long day of running made even longer feeling because I don't really feel like running extra to do anything fun or see anyone who I would like to see. In some ways this project is really starting to cramp my social life because I don't want to run back home through Richmond too late at night and I never really feel like going anywhere that I don't have to go because that means that I will have to run back as well. 
As far as health goes, there probably needs to be more stretching -my legs are getting really sore, especially in my hip area. I've started loading on the Bengay (as well as stretching and massaging) so we'll hope it gets better soon. I've still got the nose of someone with a cold but generally I'm feeling good and the bottom of my foot which was bothering me before the project only seems to bother me late in a long run instead of on my everyday short runs. 

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I ran about 15.15 miles today. Oh. By the way clicking view larger map makes it a lot easier to look over the map (I think).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

it feels cold outside

For some reason today and yesterday have seemed really cold even though  last friday and saturday were far cooler. I'm really looking forward to this friday and saturday because although I have few runs planned it's supposed to be a good bit warmer. I'll definitely try to sneak in some extra trips-maybe to the grocery store. 

Today was an exciting one with all the inauguration ceremonies and epic speeches and prayers going on and I was running all over campus to watch that. Still the milage wasn't too high today. I totaled out around 5.99 miles. Here's a map. I've been experimenting with line colors so sorry if this one is a bit hard to see. Tomorrow there will be a different color. 

View Larger Map In a little while I'll show you guys a compilation of all of these maps. That will be fun (That's why you should keep reading this blog).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. day and also the 8th day of the project

Wow! ten followers and one with a picture. That's impressive. 
Today I really came to realize the negative social impact of running everywhere. This is namely that I can't walk and talk with anyone or ride with anyone or help anyone carry their X-box to the car (okay that didn't happen today but today reminded me of it). I guess it's good that I'm doing this in the winter because it would be extra hard to avoid the social aspect of walking places during the warmer weather. 
Also, I found that running on a stomach full of black bean burger, fries,  and about 4 glasses of water can only be done for about 4 blocks before one really begins to feel those once tasty delights re-organizing in their stomach. It's not a great feeling. I'm not sure I'll be going to Chili's again while this project is happening. 
Today I ran about 5.6 miles and everything feels okay. Here's a map 

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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, today I traveled nowhere.  I'll be traveling again tomorrow but today was a day of recovery. Check in later. 

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

 Here's a new video for today since the cell phone one is obviously inadequate. Today was pretty much a day of little travel and much reading/cooking etc. This seems like a pretty boring map but at least it varies from the usual into campus back from campus map. enjoy

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cell phone video

Today's video is from the ol' cell phone instead of my camera. My camera battery is charging but I wanted to make this video before very much of my day was through. Hopefully you still enjoy. 

Friday, January 16, 2009


View Larger Map today's running totaled in at about 3.68 miles

Grocery Bonanza!

Alright so today was my first attempt at getting groceries!! Hurrah! these are them in the picture. I carried the following items home while running 
1. a roll of orange sweet rolls
2. a roll of classic style pizza dough
3. a roll of butter milk biscuits 
4. a frozen green bean dish. 
5. a lemon
6. a packet of 4 shallots
7. shredded mozzarella cheese 
8. wheat tortillas
9. frozen vegetable pot pie
Items one and two were carried home like those relay batons that track runners use. Everything else, was carried in my pink sports pack or my new fanny pack! Besides this excursion into civilization I mostly stayed at home for the rest of the day because it's nasty cold outside. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Video for day 4


Hello people! Announcements are 1! I have 5 whole blog followers -I'm making art! and 2! My FANNY PACK HAS ARRIVED. anyways these things are both going to help out the project so everyone has cause to celebrate. Today's weather was a bit chilly but not really noticable when running. (total milage was about 6.36 miles)

 here's the first map that I've managed to actually put with my real post instead of add on as a side note. Things are improving. Today as far as days go, not too exciting. Stayed around campus all day after classes until I could hang out with Tyler, who fed me dinner -take note mom!- and watch the office. Then ran home, stopping on the way to pick up some ice cream. That's pretty much it folks. Stay tooned to see how my first grocery trip of the project goes tomorrow. (If I remember)
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

so as you can see from the video I am beginning to feel more healthy as far as sickness goes although as of tonight I'm feeling a little bit less healthy as far as aches and pains go. However! it's nothing too very bad so I can't really complain(that's what the Bengay is for anyway, right?). Today was a pretty nice day as far as weather goes. I'm not really looking forward to Friday's bone chilling temperatures.  I ran a total of 12.25 miles and ate a small country.

If I can't give you anything else, here's a map

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

View Larger Map all of today's runs equalled a total of 7.6 miles
So today started off just as sick or sicker feeling than yesterday but as I ran more and more I felt better and better so things seem to be working out okay. For breakfast today I had two packs of Captain's Wafers (Peanut Butter Honey and Grill Cheese) during my human sexuality class (in which as a sweet side note I have a friend!). Then after class I went to shafer for lunch(polenta, tofu&rice with sauce, biscuit, apple and a blondie) ran to the library and picked up a book for my class, went to the VBC bought an $82 book, went to my soon to be dropped God, Suffering and Evil class, stayed around to take my next class, went back to the VBC and returned an $82 book, picked up some donuts and visited Tyler for a while before I came back home to tell all of you (yes all three of my followers) every detail of my day. By the way, does everyone like that the video is upside down? I don't want to spring for Quick Time Pro so I can't flip it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

and a map

here is a map of the routes I ran today
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First day, and sick Bleh!

Alright, so today was the first day that I ran everywhere that I went. Unfortunately, I felt really disgusting today with some type of sniffly virus that is going around. While running was better than I expected it also wasn't as easy as usual. Also, I used a little pink sports bag to carry my essentials in and that is definitely not going to work out. 
If I keep wearing that thing I'm going to have some serious and weird looking neck chaffing. No one wants that. Luckily! I won't need to carry the pink backpack/sportsbag for long because I'll be nerding it up with a sweet fanny pack that I bought on Amazon. 
Anyways, I'm attaching a video documenting the day's outfit and other such endlessly exciting stuff like weight and weather.
Today's experience consisted of three short runs the first being from my house to the Sculpture building (1.76 miles). The second being from the Sculpture building to Tyler's (.88 miles). And the third being from Tyler's back home (1.91 miles). All of this added up to a total of 4.55 miles. Besides this I had one class and two meals. The 1st meal being two PB&J's and the 2nd meal being garlicy rice, with "chicken" and parsley as well as an appetizer of fried carrots and parsnips.
Generally my body feels good, no hip or foot pain just sickness.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Alright, so as of tonight there is officially one complete day and then a few odd hours until the project begins. I went running this evening, things are feeling OK- my biggest fears for this project are either injury or starvation.  I'm trying to keep a steady supply of ice and Bengay around to keep things good in the injury sector and if all else fails, there's a 711 within blocks of me so I can pick up some high fat foodstuffs to keep from starving.  Keep checking back. I'll be posting everyday if at all possible and it should get more interesting once the project begins.

Friday, January 9, 2009

the countdown

There are three days until the project begins- for all that have no idea what the project is the basic premise is as follows: For the next month. January 12th to February 12th I will be running everywhere that I would usually bike, or drive. That is: to class, to the grocery store, out to a friend's party, over to Tyler's, etc. To keep myself, and anyone else who wants to be, on top of things I have started this blog. Check in later, kids.