My official lap photographs aren't in yet but here are some unofficial ones you can check out until the others are up.
general group shot.
action shot of Matt and Daniel getting water from water stop
Mary, awesomely, handing out water
Wow, today was an interesting day with a ton of different little, medium, and long distances to travel.
Wow, today was an interesting day with a ton of different little, medium, and long distances to travel.
There was the ceremonial last lap which turned out a little silly but basically good.
I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the run wether it was by actually running it or by volunteering your time to help things go smoothly. It is greatly appreciated.
So, while the ceremonial last lap was an event it wasn't my last official run of the day since it seemed important to close out the whole day and make this month of running complete.
I'm looking forward to going to get donuts tomorrow in a car. It's going to be excellent.
Today was my highest milage day as well as being the final day. Milage came out to about 15.75 miles. My total milage for this project ended up being about 182.45 miles. Here's my map for today.
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Hey! I've got a cell phone video of the end of the run if you want it. Stephen Williams gave me the address to the site. Looks great! Let me know if you want the video, I can email it whenever. See you around...